What Is The Fastest Way To Recover From Knee Surgery?

What Is The Fastest Way To Recover From Knee Surgery?

This article was written by Elise Burchett
Updated: 20/11/24 | Published: 09/02/23

Overcoming the challenges of knee surgery recovery is no small feat...

Not only can the physical pain and discomfort be overwhelming, but the emotional toll of not being able to move around freely or perform daily activities can be equally as draining. 

The road to recovery can seem long and slow, but with a positive attitude and a motivated spirit, you can get there faster than you think!

In this article, we share with you multiple techniques and strategies that have been proven to speed up recovery from knee surgery, so you can get back on your feet in no time!

Let’s get into it…

Move Around A Little Bit & Walk Frequently

Person walking after knee surgery

Walking frequently after knee surgery can be extremely beneficial for your recovery because it helps to increase circulation, reduce swelling, and improve the range of motion.

When you move around, your muscles contract and relax, which helps to pump blood and lymphatic fluid through your body. This increased circulation can help to reduce swelling and improve healing. 

Additionally, walking can help to strengthen the muscles surrounding your knee, which can help to support your joint and reduce the risk of future injury.

At first, you may need to use a walking aid or a knee brace to help support your knee following your surgery. As your healing progresses, you can gradually increase the distance and duration of your walks, and start to incorporate other exercises, such as cycling or swimming, into your routine.

Follow Your Physician’s Guidelines

Following your physician's guidelines after knee surgery is crucial for a successful recovery. The guidelines provided by your doctor are tailored to your specific needs and help ensure that you are healing properly. By following these guidelines, you can reduce the risk of complications and ensure that you are on the path to full recovery.

Physical therapy is also an important part of the recovery process. Your doctor will prescribe exercises to help strengthen the knee and improve flexibility. These exercises can help you regain your range of motion and reduce the risk of future knee problems.

As you know, recovery from knee surgery can take several months, so it’s important to be patient and not rush the process. You can help your body recover and get back in shape by following your doctor's instructions and being patient!

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a growing trend in the world of physical therapy and rehabilitation, and for good reason! 

This type of therapy involves exposing your skin to red and near-infrared light, which has been shown to help speed up the healing process and reduce pain and inflammation following a knee operation.

In a recent study, red light therapy has been shown to “speed up patients' recovery and give them relief from acute pain” after a total knee arthroplasty. [1]

This makes it an ideal option for those looking to reduce their dependence on pain medication following knee surgery.

Use The Exercise Equipment That Was Provided To You

People with resistance bands after knee surgery

Exercise equipment provided by a doctor can greatly aid in the recovery process after knee surgery. 

By using equipment such as resistance bands, weight machines, and stationary bikes, patients can gradually build strength and flexibility in their knees.

This not only helps to reduce pain and swelling but also helps to prevent the formation of scar tissue. Additionally, using exercise equipment can help to improve circulation, which can speed up the healing process. 

It is important to follow the doctor's instructions and start with light exercises, gradually increasing the intensity as the knee becomes stronger. 

It is also important to listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort. Regular exercise and use of the equipment provided by the doctor can lead to a quicker and more successful recovery after knee surgery.

Follow The Right Exercise Plan 

Everyone has a specific routine that they need to follow, and each person’s exercise plan can differ depending on a lot of factors, like the type of surgery and your age…

Exercises that focus on strengthening the muscles surrounding the knee, such as the quadriceps and hamstrings, can help improve stability and reduce pain.

Stretching and range of motion exercises can also be beneficial in promoting flexibility and preventing scar tissue from forming. 

Additionally, low-impact activities such as swimming or cycling can help improve cardiovascular fitness and reduce stress on the knee. We took a deep dive into this topic when we discussed the best Low Impact Sports To Strengthen Knees – so go and check that out if you haven’t already!

Remember, progress gradually and don't push yourself too hard, as this can lead to further injuries.

Sleep And Eat Well 

Alarm clock in bed

Adequate sleep helps the body to repair and regenerate, which is crucial for healing after surgery. When we sleep, our bodies produce growth hormones that aid in tissue repair and regeneration. 

Additionally, getting enough sleep can help reduce inflammation and pain, which are common side effects of knee surgery. [2]

Eating a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients is also essential for a speedy recovery. Consuming foods that are high in protein, vitamins, and minerals can help support the healing process and promote tissue repair. 

By prioritizing sleep and nutrition, you can help support your body and speed up the healing process.

Avoid Putting Pressure On Your Knee

Crutches used after knee surgery

By reducing overloading your knee joint with stress, you allow the area to heal properly and reduce the risk of further injury. This can be achieved by using crutches, a knee brace, or a walking aid assist with mobility.

Additionally, engaging in physical therapy and following a rehabilitation plan prescribed by your doctor can help to strengthen the knee, ready for you to take on more weight-bearing activities. 

Avoid High-Impact Activities

High-impact activities, such as running, jumping, or playing sports, can have a negative effect on recovery after knee surgery.

These activities put a lot of stress on the knee joint, which can slow down the healing process and increase the risk of further injury. 

Additionally, high-impact activities can cause inflammation and swelling, which can be painful and make it difficult to move the knee

It’s important to follow the recommended recovery plan provided by your doctor, which may include physical therapy, rest, and low-impact exercises as we mentioned earlier. 

It is also important to listen to your body and avoid activities that cause pain or discomfort. By taking these steps, you can help ensure a successful recovery and reduce the risk of further injury to your knee.


When can I drive again?

After surgery, most people are not recommended to drive until at least 4 weeks pass. Your doctor will be the best person to advise you on this, as it’s dependent on your individual circumstances.

When can I go back to work?

On average, people can return to work within 2-12 weeks after knee surgery, but it is best to consult with your doctor for a more specific timeline. This is because the length of time you need to wait after knee surgery before returning to work depends on several factors, including the type of surgery, the type of work you do, and your overall health. 

Will I have to go back to the hospital?

It is best to follow the instructions provided by your surgeon and attend all follow-up appointments as scheduled. It’s likely that your doctor will want to check in with how you’re doing, and how the knee is coping after returning to everyday tasks.

In conclusion, there are many ways to speed up your recovery from knee surgery

From walking and physical therapy to using exercise equipment and getting enough sleep, these steps can help you manage pain and inflammation and get back to your daily routine faster.

And if you want to take your recovery to the next level, why not consider incorporating red light therapy into your post-operative routine? 

With its all-natural and non-invasive approach, it's the perfect complement to your post-operative care!

Plus, with our at-home red light therapy device, the Move+, you don't have to worry about traveling to clinics or spending thousands of dollars on multiple sessions… 

Kienon's Move+ Red Light Therapy Device

You can use our device in the comfort of your own home and enjoy the amazing benefits of red light therapy! 

So, why wait? Click the link below to find out more about our red light therapy device today and start your journey to a faster and healthier recovery from knee surgery!

Shop The Move+ Red Light Therapy Device

For more on how red light therapy help you recover from knee injury, read:


1 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9732130/

2 - https://www.health.harvard.edu/sleep/how-sleep-deprivation-can-cause-inflammation

Elise Burchett

Elise Burchett

Job Title: Writer
Bio: Elise Burchett is a writer at Kineon.

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Bringing the latest advancements in enhanced red light therapy for home use. Our mission is to get you back on your feet and moving pain-free.

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