female biohacker using a biohacking device

What is Biohacking Your Body and How Everyone Can Get Involved

This article was written by Kien Vuu

In a world where the wellness market is booming, self-care practices have become a focus, and people are deep diving into their health, Biohacking has led to a whole movement over the past decade.

Now, more than ever, people seem interested in becoming the healthiest and best versions of themselves.

Biohacking is not a niche practice reserved for experts, but a movement that is accessible to all, regardless of their current health status.

According to a study by McKinsey, around 50 percent of US consumers now report wellness as a top priority in their day-to-day lives, a 42 percent increase from 2020. Against the backdrop of a global pandemic and with the intertwining of health and technology, Biohacking has risen in popularity.  

What Exactly Is Biohacking?

Sometimes referred to as 'do-it-yourself' biological improvements, Biohacking incorporates methods from biology, genetics, neuroscience, and nutrition to enhance physical or mental performance.

This includes boosting overall health and well-being. However, it's important to consider the ethical implications of biohacking, especially when it involves genetic manipulation or experimentation. There are no step-by-step instructions to correctly biohack, as it's a process of making lifestyle changes to 'hack' your body's biology.

What is a Biohacker?

A biohacker customizes their diet and lifestyle to optimize their health. This person follows Biohacking and makes changes to improve their mind and body. This could be through lifestyle choices and techniques, as well as technologies such as AI, regenerative medicine, nutraceuticals, and devices like red light therapy for post-workout recovery or wearing a smart device that collects data about the body.

The History and Evolution of Biohacking

Biohacking was once a small and local initiative, rather than the transnational movement that we now know it as. It started in early 2008 when a discussion forum was launched with 32 members. The first meeting was held at a pub in Boston, and 25 people were in attendance. Today, the discussion forum includes over 5000 members worldwide, but that only includes some unofficial members who follow the health trend from afar.

Research suggests people were focusing on their health in a similar biohacking way before 2008, with terms like 'garage biology' and 'DIY biology' circulating in the early 2000s. In 2005, biologist Rob Carlson was reported as saying: "The advent of garage biology is at hand. Skills and technology are increasing, and the synthesis and manipulation of genomes are no longer confined to ivory towers."

Now, in the present day, technology has advanced significantly, which has helped the movement along. Wearable devices are becoming more affordable and increasingly popular among society - not just the health-conscious.


Biohacking Techniques for Your Body

There’s no perfect guide when embarking on the biohacking journey as almost anything can be considered as long as it fulfills the goal of enhancing biology in some way.

Nutritional Biohacking

This is all about getting the proper nutrients in your diet, often using natural and synthetic molecules. This is where supplements and vitamins come in. Common supplement choices include a comprehensive multivitamin, Omega-3s, Probiotics, and Vitamin D3, but supplements should be carefully selected according to specific needs.

Nutritional Biohacking ensures that your body has all the essential building blocks for health and performance by optimizing nutrient intake. Incorporating high-quality supplements has improved my energy levels, immune function, and overall vitality. A balanced diet complemented with targeted supplements provides a holistic approach to health.

Exercise and Fitness Biohacking

Exercise and fitness biohacking.


Although the phenomenon of Biohacking is relatively new, athletes have been fine-tuning their training for decades to give themselves a competitive edge, whether that's in performance or recovery. Exercise can be an incredible hack, as being active improves cellular energy metabolism and promotes the creation of new mitochondria.

Exercise enhances physical fitness and boosts mental health by releasing endorphins and reducing stress. I particularly rate ARX technology for its efficiency and effectiveness. It maximizes muscle engagement in minimal time, fitting seamlessly into a busy schedule while delivering outstanding results.

Sleep Optimization

Sleep should be restorative as it gives our body a chance to recover, but when we're not getting adequate sleep, it can leave us feeling out of whack. Sticking to a consistent schedule to hack sleep can help regulate the body's sleep-wake cycle. Balancing the circadian rhythm starts at the very beginning of the day - instead of scrolling through social media when you wake up, head outside and into the sunlight within 30-60 minutes of waking up.

Optimizing sleep is crucial for overall health and cognitive function. Sticking with a consistent sleep schedule and minimizing blue light exposure in the evening have significantly improved my sleep quality, daytime energy levels, and performance. Techniques like yoga nidra have been particularly effective for deep relaxation and enhancing sleep depth.

Stress Management Techniques

When the brain isn't happy, performance in all ways can be lacking. That's why treating the mind should be as important as the body. Chronic stress can bring on diseases, increase blood pressure, and cause deregulation of the nervous system. To counteract this, Biohacking, breathwork, and meditation can be completed daily to reduce high cortisol levels. This is incredibly beneficial as how we breathe can alter the stress response. When cortisol is secreted, our breathing becomes more shallow and rapid, signaling that we should be worried.

Why Managing Stress Works for Dr. Vuu 

Managing stress through techniques like the 4-7-8 breathing method and Yoga Nidra helps maintain a calm and focused mind. These practices effectively lower cortisol levels and promote relaxation. Incorporating regular breathwork sessions into my daily routine has improved my mental clarity and emotional resilience.

Biohacking Tools and Technologies

Wearable Devices

Woman sat outside with a wearable biohacking device. She is wearing the device on her knee.

Smartwatches were among the first wearable biohacking devices to go mainstream. The Apple Watch and FitBit pushed wearable technology into the forefront, propelled a whole lot of other technology to be created in this form. Examples include blue light glasses, fertility trackers, intelligent rings, period pain relief devices, and red light therapy tools.

Wearable devices provide real-time feedback on various health metrics, making it easier for beginners to track progress and stay motivated. They offer an accessible entry point into Biohacking, allowing biohackers to monitor and improve their health with user-friendly interfaces and actionable insights. By simply wearing these devices, you can better understand your body's functions and make informed decisions to enhance your well-being.

Genetic Testing and Analysis

Genetic testing can provide insights into predispositions to specific health conditions, dietary sensitivities, or even exercise responses. This information would only be possible to glean with testing. Once this data comes back from a lab, it can be used to change and personalize diet, fitness, and lifestyle choices to ensure optimum health. These tests usually involve collecting saliva, which is then analyzed in a laboratory. While this typically required paying over the odds and visiting a specific clinic some years ago, it's now more accessible and can be done at home.

Genetic testing can demystify your unique health profile, giving you personalized information to make targeted lifestyle changes. This can be incredibly empowering for beginners, as it provides clear guidance on optimizing diet, exercise, and overall health based on your genetic makeup. With easy-to-use home kits, getting started with genetic testing has never been more convenient.

Nutritional Supplements and Nootropics

Nutritional supplements and nootropics offer a simple yet effective way to address specific health needs and enhance cognitive function. Beginners can start with well-researched and commonly used supplements to fill nutritional gaps and support overall health. Nutraceuticals can be easily incorporated into daily routines, providing benefits without requiring significant lifestyle changes.

Nootropics are a type of natural drug that can positively impact mental skills. They can be prescribed by doctors or even ordered online, as can a wide range of supplements. There's a huge variety, all of which serve different purposes but are used to boost health or get some much-needed nutrients that might be missed.

Biofeedback and Monitoring Devices

Again, biofeedback devices were once confined to the four walls of a clinic or hospital. Now, though, they are more affordable and accessible to the general public. These are noninvasive monitoring equipment and instruments that measure the body's involuntary functions—like heart rate, breathing, and muscle tension. Hormone monitoring tools would also fall into this category. With these devices, a much greater level of detail can be explored.

Biofeedback and monitoring devices help beginners understand and control their body's responses to stress, exercise, and daily activities. These tools provide valuable data on physiological functions, empowering biohackers to make informed decisions about their health. By offering immediate feedback, they encourage positive behavioral changes and help establish healthier habits.

AI Technology: I also love AI technology such as Shae.ai, which, with the snap of a smartphone, can deconstruct your biology and offer precision advice on how to get you into peak state. Shae.ai analyzes various health metrics to provide personalized health recommendations, including genetic data, lifestyle factors, and current health status.

AI technology like Shae.ai takes the guesswork out of Biohacking by offering tailored advice based on your unique biology. For biohackers, this means receiving precise, actionable insights that are easy to implement. With AI-driven recommendations, you can make informed decisions to enhance your health and well-being, ensuring that each step is optimized for maximum benefit. The ease of use and personalized approach make AI technology an excellent starting point for anyone looking into Biohacking.


How Anyone Can Get Into Biohacking

If you're just getting started in your biohacking journey, consider starting small with some easy changes to your diet, daily routine, and mindset.


Everything we put into our bodies can influence our behavior, so it's important to dive deep into what food your body prefers. This will be different for everyone, but generally, you should eat more fruit and vegetables, more whole foods, fewer processed foods, and less added sugar and refined grains. Whether you're looking to increase gains in the gym or simply looking for more fulfilling meals that leave you feeling full on a long shift, the types of foods you eat significantly impact this. For example, fish has been found to substantially affect satiety, whereas chicken is widely used in the gym community due to its high protein content.

One of my favorite hacks for diet is time-restricted feeding, also known as intermittent fasting. This method involves eating all your meals within a specific time window, usually 8-10 hours, and fasting for the remaining 14-16 hours. Time-restricted feeding can help regulate circadian rhythms, improve metabolism, and promote autophagy, the body's natural process of removing damaged cells and regenerating new ones. To make it easy and fun, start with a ten or 12-hour fasting window and gradually increase it. Enjoy a hearty breakfast and an early dinner, and during your fasting period, keep hydrated with water, herbal teas, or black coffee.


There's no point having fancy gadgets and tech if you're not moving your body daily. As a general goal, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity daily. This could mean walking around the neighborhood, following along to a YouTube workout, or joining a spin class. Keep track of your exercises and how they make your body feel. Some opt for just weightlifting in their routines, while others choose Pilates and cardio.

If you are interested in tech, check out ARX (Adaptive Resistance Exercise) technology for biohacking exercise devices. ARX machines use computer-controlled, motorized resistance to provide optimal, adaptive resistance throughout the entire range of motion. This technology maximizes the efficiency of workouts, promoting muscle growth and strength gains faster than traditional methods. It's scientifically backed to offer a high-intensity workout in a fraction of the time. Find a local gym with ARX equipment or consider investing in a personal machine.

Especially with increased exercise, I enjoy hacking my recovery with red light therapy. Kineon's MOVE+ Pro harnesses the power of targeted photobiomodulation to accelerate healing, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain. The result is faster muscle recovery, reduced soreness, and improved overall performance. The convenience of the MOVE+ Pro, with its strap design, allows me to integrate effective therapy into my daily routine effortlessly, whether at home, at the gym, or on the go.


Mindfulness for biohacking.


Meditation is often described as one of the most basic forms of Biohacking, as it's free and can be completed by anyone. This ancient practice helps you train your brain to focus on a thought and be mindful and more present. Practicing mindfulness, in general, could involve breathing methods, guided imagery, or other practices to relax the body and mind.

Regarding mindfulness, breathwork techniques like the 4-7-8 breathing method or Yoga Nidra are among my favorites. The 4-7-8 method, developed by Dr. Andrew Weil, involves inhaling for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds. This practice helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing stress and promoting relaxation. Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep, is a guided meditation that induces deep relaxation and can enhance mental clarity. To incorporate these practices, set aside a few minutes each day for breathwork, either in the morning to start your day calmly or before bed, to ensure a restful sleep.

Your Questions on Biohacking

What Is a Biohacker?


A biohacker is someone who customizes their diet and/or lifestyle to optimize their health. This person follows biohacking and makes changes to improve their mind and body.

This could be through using a red light therapy device for post-workout recovery, wearing a smart device that collects data about the body, or making changes to their diet to be more beneficial for their lifestyle.


What Is a Biohacking Diet?

Unlike food-focused diets, the biohacking diet doesn’t follow specifics or limit you to just eating one type of food for a period of time. Instead, the biohacking diet means creating a personalized nutrition plan that suits your personal needs.

To determine what should be included, you’ll have to experiment and use an elimination-style method if you’re struggling with food-related health issues. This means cutting out potential offenders and then slowly adding them back in to see if they’re the culprits.

Keeping a food journal is another way to see what types of food work best for you. You could use tracking tech and wearable devices and even consider genetic testing.

The biohacking diet isn’t a one-size-fits-all guided plan, it’s more of a concept and one that has to be tailored to each individual.


What Is Biohacking Technology

Biohacking technology makes it easier than ever to implement health-boosting tactics that make your body and mind feel stronger.

This form of technology includes tools and wearables that span biology, genetics, neuroscience, and nutrition. For example, some smart watches capture biometric data that breaks down strenuous exertion, stress signals, and sleep performance. This information can be used to better your health and make changes that matter.

Red light therapy devices are another form of biohacking technology as the wavelengths of light trigger a series of events in the cells that block pain signal transmissions, reduce inflammation, and accelerate healing in post-recovery.


Start Biohacking Today

While it sounds overwhelming, as the combination of possibilities is endless, starting small is advised. If you've found your gut triggered by certain foods, start by analyzing what you're putting into your body through the elimination technique to find what you should and shouldn't be eating. Similarly, consider using a red light therapy device if fitness performance is a priority. When applied to the skin, the wavelengths of light trigger a series of events at the cellular level. Red light therapy can speed up the body's natural healing mechanisms, which is enormous for post-workout recovery while enhancing tissue regeneration, collagen remodeling, and angiogenesis. With wearable devices like the Kineon MOVE+ Pro, you can tailor the device's application and intensity to suit your preferences and needs, helping you build a recovery program that works for you. This can be completed on time and in the comfort of your home.


Embracing Biohacking is a journey towards optimizing your health and well-being. By starting with small, manageable changes and leveraging the latest in health technology and science, you can unlock new levels of performance and vitality. Dive into Biohacking and discover the incredible benefits of biohacking for yourself. Biohacking is not about following a rigid set of rules but finding what works best for your unique body and lifestyle. And always remember...YOU are your best Medicine.

For more articles on biohacking read:
Dr. Kien Vuu a Performance and Longevity Physician and Biohacker - Headshot

Kien Vuu

Job Title: Performance and Longevity Physician
LinkedIn: @Kien_Vuu
Location: Los Angeles

Dr. Kien Vuu, known affectionately as "Doctor V", stands at the forefront of anti-aging medicine, wielding triple board certifications and tenure with illustrious institutions like the National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and UCLA. 

At the helm of VuuMD Longevity and Performance, Doctor V is a trusted confidante to major celebrities, professional athletes, and serves as a strategic adviser to titans of the corporate world, including Google, JP Morgan, and Bank of America. His expertise is relied upon to not only optimize health; but to transform lives and company culture, ushering in peak performance of individuals and entire organizations. 

Committed to arming as many people as possible with the knowledge and skills to reach peak performance, Doctor V offers free tools, resources and education through his top-rated health show Thrive State Podcast, online seminars, masterclasses, as well appearing on major network television such as Bravo's Vanderpump Rules, Netflix's Squid Games: The Challenge, Access Hollywood, The Doctors, ABC News, NBC News, FOX News and others, with a portfolio that boasts features in Forbes, GQ, Business Insider, and more. 

Doctor V doesn't just practice medicine; he's on a mission to ignite a revolution in the way we understand and engage with the science of human potential, weaving the science of longevity into the art of living, proving that our choices—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—are indeed our most potent medicine.

About Kineon

Bringing the latest advancements in enhanced red light therapy for home use. Our mission is to get you back on your feet and moving pain-free.