A man stretching or doing yoga to take control of his life and his overall wellbeing.

18 Ways to Take Control of Your Life

This article was written by Sophie Atkinson

There are times when life can feel like it’s simply passing you by or maybe you’re merely going through the motions. While it’s something many people go through, it can feel quite lonely as you’re watching on especially if your life has been altered due to pain.

Consistent pain impacts the day-to-day and, without even knowing it, you might have changed a few things that you previously loved to appease the situation.

Regardless of whether this is the reason or otherwise, the ‘stuck’ feeling can be addressed by making some small changes. To help you get back on track, we’ve compiled a list of 18 ways to take control of your life.


Three Key Signs You’re Feeling out of Control With Your Health

Image of a woman taking back control of her health with the help of a red light therapy device from Kineon, the Move+ Pro.

Struggle Sleeping, Concentrating, or Finding Motivation

The inability to rest or concentrate throughout the day can be a sign that things are out of control. This could be due to general anxiety or chronic pain which can cause interrupted patterns of rest.

Feeling Overwhelmed

Not knowing where to start or how to tackle your situation or even change elements of your life are all of the usual components of feeling overwhelmed and out of control with your health.

This feeling may intensify when worries about your health arise which could cause you to push them to the back of your mind.

Knowing Something Needs to Be Done, but Taking No Action

Sometimes, it’s easier to keep things the same than it is to change routines and try new things. But while that’s a straightforward approach, nothing will change unless you take the steps to do so.

You may believe persistent pain that has been a factor in your life for months on end (or longer!) is the new status quo. When that’s the belief, it can be hard to find the motivation to better your situation.

While some conditions, like arthritis, have no cure and can bring on fleeting or consistent discomfort, there are ways to help your situation and boost quality of life.


How to Take Back Control of Your Life

A woman piroritising self-care and working out happily with the use of rlt device from Kineon, the Move+ Pro.

Whether you lack purpose in what you do, are suffering from exhaustion and sadness due to your situation, or struggling with pain, some small steps and habits can bring you closer to where you want to be.

A combination of adjustments in your life can bring on the feeling of more control overall.

Setting Boundaries for a Balanced Life

If you’re overwhelmed or struggling to recharge, implement boundaries into your mental, physical, and emotional life.

This could mean taking more breaks from work, avoiding working late, saying no to meetings unrelated to your position, or even prioritizing tasks.

Prepare to Say ‘No’

As a follow-up to the above, learn how to say ‘no’ when you need to. This can be said in a kind, but firm way and prevents you taking on work that you don’t have capacity for.

Prioritize Self-Care for Mental and Emotional Well-Being

Self-care is essential for looking after your body and mind. There are different self-care strategies so choose a few that work best for you in the meantime or slowly add practices into your days to form strong habits.

Self-care includes exercising regularly, eating healthily, spending time to relax and de-stress, practicing gratitude, staying positive, and connecting with loved ones.

Implement Self-Care Practices in Your Daily Routine

Much like New Year’s resolutions, actually doing the self-care practices consistently is a whole other battle.

To form a habit, add self-care practices to your daily routine. Add them to your calendar or set an alarm at the same time every day to complete them.

Rely on Technology

Having everything stored ‘up there’ instead of on paper can result in missed meetings, late deadlines, or an uncertainty of what you’ve achieved.

Take advantage of online to-do lists, check-ins, and technology platforms that can guide you along.

Time Management Techniques to Maximize Productivity and Fulfillment

Staring at a long to-do list that hasn’t been completed is demoralizing for anyone. If you’re struggling, consider time management techniques like the Pomodoro method.

Developed in the late 1980s, this utilizes fixed time intervals for focused work, followed by short breaks. It’s usually 25 minutes of work and then either a 5-minute short break or a 15-minute long break. The cycle repeats until your tasks are complete.

Building a Supportive Network and Seeking Guidance

When you’re not feeling 100% being around negative people who suck the energy out of the air aren’t going to help you feel in control. Spend time with the people who make you feel genuinely happy and supported, those who are excited for you when accomplishments come.

These people can be relied upon whenever you need to decompress and share private feelings. When you’re surrounded by the right people, they will be the most supportive too, and could help you be more re-aligned in life.

Surround Yourself With Positive People

While pain can affect mental health and bring on an onslaught of negative emotions, having someone or multiple people who have an open mind can be useful.

Even if you’re not feeling so upbeat, these people can slowly affect how you view situations by trying to see a silver lining. When around the opposite types of people, an already lost mind can feel the negatives intensified.

Schedule Healthy Habits

Pain in the body or feeling unsure in life has a way of making you feel like it’s best to stay stagnant but implementing healthy habits could bring in several benefits.

It’s recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of exercise per week.

Exercise can reduce further health risks, strengthen muscles and bones, and improve your ability to do daily activities. Swimming is an incredible starter exercise that feels easy on the body as the water buoyancy reduces impact and stress.

Get Some Fresh Air Every Day

While you might not be feeling up for a heavy gym session, go for a walk every day. This will get you out of your indoor environment, into the fresh air, and allow for health benefits to begin.

Fresh air can clean your lungs, boost your mood, and lower your heart rate.

Eat a Balanced Diet

It may seem like a strange correlation, but eating the right foods and getting the necessary nutrients in your diet can do you a world of good.

A study found that gut microbes may play a role in social anxiety disorder. This could then bring on inflammation causing potential discomfort or pain.

Focus on eating a balanced diet and emphasize gut health going forward.

Get Out in Nature

This one is particularly beneficial if you’re usually stuck in a corporate office all day. When you’re able, go explore a local park or hike a well-known trail in your area. Research shows that people who are more connected with nature are usually happier and more likely to report feeling their lives are worthwhile. It’s an antidote for stress.

If you’re alone, this time in your mind and space could help you figure out what you truly desire.

Try Something New

If you’re not sure what you enjoy doing or are looking to explore this, consider joining local clubs to find a hobby.

Having this time to do something fun can take your mind off of things and be an anchorage when life is speeding by.

It doesn’t have to be sports-related, it could be woodworking, knitting, journaling, learning a new language or photography, or many more.

Change Your Perspective

Rather than fixating on certain issues or allowing your mind to spiral when something doesn’t go according to plan, it might help to develop an ‘it is what it is’ mindset.

This doesn’t mean accepting bad treatment but involves letting go and creating a more open mind.

Recognize When You Need External Help or Extra Care

Understanding your situation and how you cope with stressors and pain is important to track when further help is required.

Your doctor can assist and be a supportive voice when care is needed, as can a therapist.

Similarly, if you’ve never spoken with a medical professional about your pain, book an appointment and let them know what’s been going on.

Help Your Situation With Treatments

If persistent pain is something you deal with, consider what approaches you can take.

For some, this means acupuncture or meditation. For others, it’s red light therapy.

There are different treatment methods out there, find one that works for you and is accessible, easy to use, and empowering.


Be Kind to Yourself

There will be times when you forget to implement boundaries or miss a habit or two. In these moments, be kind to yourself and take the pressure off.

Just go back to your original list of plans and change aspects to make them more doable for you.

Set Goals

This is particularly useful for those who thrive in goal-setting environments. If this is you, or you’re looking to find purpose through goal-setting, set some realistic benchmarks and go for it.

This could be going for a walk every day for a week or being able to play an instrument in three months.

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Headshot of Sophie Atkinson: Kineon's Women's Health and Wellness Writer

Sophie Atkinson

Job Title: Women's Health and Wellness Writer
LinkedIn: @Sophie_Atkinson
Location: United Kingdom
Bio: Sophie Atkinson is a journalist and content writer. Sophie went straight into the newsroom, after graduating with a BA (Hons) degree in Journalism. She has since gone on to work as a freelancer for a range of brands worldwide. Her work has included a focus on several topics around women’s health, with the aim of putting a stop to the taboo culture surrounding certain subjects and health issues

About Kineon

Bringing the latest advancements in enhanced red light therapy for home use. Our mission is to get you back on your feet and moving pain-free.