The History of Red Light Therapy

The History of Red Light Therapy

This article was written by Elise Burchett

Welcome to our blog where we will dive into the fascinating history of red light therapy! We will embark on a captivating exploration of the origins, evolution, and remarkable milestones that have shaped this incredible form of healing over the years.

From ancient civilizations harnessing the power of sunlight, to groundbreaking discoveries in modern science, red light therapy has embarked on an extraordinary journey.

Our investigation will lead us to the innovative minds who paved the way for this safe and non-invasive treatment, harnessing specific light wavelengths to stimulate the body's natural healing processes, combat inflammation, and rejuvenate the skin.

However, our journey does not end in the past. By understanding the historical context, we can better appreciate the current significance of red light therapy, as it continues to gain momentum as a sought-after wellness practice, captivating health enthusiasts and professionals worldwide.

Together, we will unveil the secrets of the past, acknowledge the advancements of the present, and anticipate an exciting future where this extraordinary therapy will continue to enhance our pursuit of optimal well-being.

Let’s get into it! 

Sunlight and Healing


The history of red light therapy traces back to our deep-rooted relationship with sunlight and its remarkable healing properties. The acknowledgement of sunlight's therapeutic potential forms a fundamental basis for understanding the transformative influence of light.

Our ancient ancestors instinctively grasped the link between sunlight and well-being, utilizing its radiant energy for healing purposes. From the sun-worshipping practices of the Egyptians to the construction of sun-drenched temples by the Greeks and Romans for rejuvenation, our predecessors revered sunlight as a vital source of vitality and renewal.

A pivotal milestone arose when early civilizations began to comprehend the profound impact of specific light wavelengths on the body's healing mechanisms. The shift from general sunlight exposure to the deliberate use of targeted light represented a momentous turning point in the history of red light therapy. But we'll delve deeper into that aspect later on...

Curious to know more about how natural sunlight compares to red light therapy? Check out our blog Natural Sunlight Vs Red Light Therapy


Thomas Edison Invented the Lightbulb




One pivotal moment that illuminates the path forward is Thomas Edison's groundbreaking invention of the incandescent lightbulb in 1879. 

While not directly linked to red light therapy, Edison's remarkable achievement set the stage for artificial light sources that would later play a crucial role in harnessing the therapeutic advantages of targeted light wavelengths.

When Edison introduced the lightbulb to the world, it revolutionized the way we interacted with light. For the first time, humans had the ability to control and manipulate artificial light sources, transcending the limitations of natural sunlight. 

This breakthrough created a new realm of possibilities in the realm of light therapy.


Light Therapy Develops


Following Thomas Edison's groundbreaking invention of the lightbulb, a bright new era unfolded in the field of light therapy. With the introduction of artificial light sources, researchers and medical professionals began exploring the transformative potential of targeted light wavelengths, leading to remarkable advancements in red light therapy.

Scientists built on this foundation, delving deeper into the intricate interactions between light and our cells and tissues. They uncovered how different wavelengths of light could trigger specific biological responses, opening up a world of healing and rejuvenation possibilities.

One area where light therapy truly flourished was in dermatology and skincare. The targeted red light wavelengths, in particular, showed incredible effects on the skin by promoting collagen production, reducing inflammation, and enhancing the overall complexion.

But the reach of light therapy extended far beyond skincare. It made significant strides in various other fields of medicine and wellness. One such area was Lupus, a complex autoimmune disorder affecting millions worldwide. With the advent of artificial light sources, a newfound hope emerged in the quest to tackle the challenges posed by Lupus, characterized by inflammation and damage to organs and tissues.

Through rigorous research and clinical trials, the therapeutic effects of red light therapy on lupus patients began to surface. The targeted wavelengths of red light were found to modulate the immune response, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms such as skin rashes and joint pain, improving the quality of life for those living with this challenging condition. [1]


The Beginning of Laser Technology


Clinician using red light therapy


In the captivating journey of red light therapy's history, a momentous milestone appeared with the introduction of laser technology.

The development of lasers completely revolutionized the field, opening up exciting new possibilities and taking the precision and effectiveness of this therapeutic practice to new heights.

Red light therapy underwent a transformative shift, empowering practitioners to harness the power of concentrated, targeted light wavelengths for optimal healing and rejuvenation. 

With the amplification and focus of light into a coherent beam, lasers enabled the delivery of light energy to specific areas with unparalleled accuracy. This breakthrough allowed practitioners to precisely target and treat particular regions of the body, tailoring treatments to address specific conditions or concerns.

The advent of lasers also expanded the range of wavelengths that could be utilized, offering a broader spectrum of therapeutic possibilities. 

This allowed practitioners to explore the benefits of different wavelengths and their unique effects on various cellular processes, unlocking the potential for even more tailored and specialized treatments.


 LED Technology


LED (Light-Emitting Diode) technology brought forth a new era of light therapy, offering a multitude of benefits for both practitioners and individuals seeking the healing power of red light. 

LEDs provided a reliable, energy-efficient, and long-lasting light source that could emit specific wavelengths with exceptional precision. This allowed for the development of specialized LED devices, tailored to deliver targeted wavelengths known for their therapeutic effects.

With the introduction of LED technology, light therapy became more accessible to a broader audience. The compact and portable nature of LED devices made it possible to bring the benefits of light therapy into the comfort of your own home. With this convenience, individuals were able to seamlessly integrate light therapy into their wellness routines, unlocking light's transformative potential.

LED technology also offered a broader range of wavelengths for light therapy applications. The versatility of LEDs allowed for the customization of treatments, tailoring the therapy to address specific concerns or target specific areas of the body. 

Also, LED devices brought significant advantages in terms of safety and efficacy. They emitted minimal heat, ensuring a comfortable and non-invasive experience during light therapy sessions. 


NASA Heals Wounds With Light Therapy


NASA space rocket


A remarkable chapter in the history of red light therapy unfolded when NASA discovered the profound healing potential of light. Their groundbreaking research and application of light therapy for wound healing marked a significant milestone that expanded the horizons of red light therapy.

During space missions, NASA scientists made an intriguing observation – astronauts exposed to specific light wavelengths experienced accelerated wound healing. This unexpected finding piqued their curiosity, leading to extensive investigations into the therapeutic effects of light on the body's regenerative processes.

Through rigorous scientific studies, NASA researchers uncovered that red and near-infrared light wavelengths could penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate cellular activity. These specific wavelengths stimulated the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a key energy source for cells, promoting tissue repair and regeneration. [2]

The application of light therapy in space missions not only addressed the unique challenges of healing wounds in low-gravity environments but also showcased the remarkable potential of light therapy as a non-invasive and effective modality. This groundbreaking discovery revolutionized wound care and paved the way for its utilization in medical settings.

As NASA's findings became widely known, the medical community embraced the healing power of light therapy for various applications, including wound healing in both acute and chronic cases. This revelation further solidified the significance of red light therapy as a promising and versatile approach to healing.

RLT and Medical Advancements


Women having red light therapy treatment


Over time, red light therapy has emerged as a powerful therapeutic technique, contributing to significant breakthroughs and transformative strides in the field of medicine.

As research into red light therapy deepened, so did our understanding of its physiological effects on the human body. Scientists and medical professionals uncovered the remarkable potential of targeted wavelengths of light to stimulate cellular activity, reduce inflammation, and promote healing and rejuvenation.

As knowledge about red light therapy grew, it began to be incorporated into many fields of medicine.

In dermatology, red light therapy has revolutionized skincare and anti-aging treatments. The use of red light therapy devices in dermatological practices has empowered practitioners to offer effective and non-invasive options for their patients.

In sports medicine, red light therapy has become an invaluable tool for injury recovery and pain management. Its ability to reduce inflammation, accelerate tissue repair, and alleviate muscle soreness has provided athletes and individuals with a natural and drug-free approach to enhance performance and expedite recovery.

Not only that, but red light therapy has found its place in chronic pain management. The targeted wavelengths of light penetrate deep into tissues, stimulating cellular activity and promoting natural pain relief. You can read more about this in our blog Red Light Therapy Benefits for Pain Relief

The application of red light therapy into wound care has been transformative as well. The therapeutic light wavelengths aid in tissue regeneration, accelerate wound healing and reduce the risk of infection. This approach has become particularly valuable in the treatment of chronic and non-healing wounds, offering new hope and improved outcomes for patients.


Red Light Therapy in the Home


The evolution of red light therapy has brought it from exclusive medical settings to the fingertips of individuals seeking natural and accessible wellness solutions.

With advancements in technology and the development of compact, user-friendly devices, red light therapy has become a beloved addition to home routines. This shift has empowered individuals to take an active role in their well-being, harnessing the healing power of light in the convenience of their own spaces.

Individuals no longer need to rely solely on medical or wellness centers to experience the benefits of red light therapy. The ease and convenience of at-home devices have opened doors to a world where individuals can integrate this gentle and effective therapy seamlessly into their daily lives. 

You can experience the incredible advantages of red light therapy in the convenience of your home with our revolutionary MOVE+ Pro device! 

By incorporating a blend of LED lights and state-of-the-art medical-grade laser technology, you can now achieve precise and targeted relief for your specific concerns, ensuring rapid and efficient results. 

Whether you seek to rehabilitate a previous sports injury or alleviate the relentless discomfort of osteoarthritis, the MOVE+ Pro presents itself as the potential solution you have long been yearning for. 

Don't hesitate any longer! Embark on your wellness journey today and unlock the incredible advantages of the MOVE+ Pro.


The Future of RLT


The history of red light therapy has shown us the immense potential of using specific light wavelengths to stimulate healing, reduce inflammation, and rejuvenate the body. It has come a long way, from ancient civilizations basking in the sun's warm glow to the groundbreaking scientific discoveries that unlocked the power of targeted red light therapy.

Looking to the future, we envision a world where red light therapy will continue to thrive and flourish. With ongoing research and technological innovations, we can expect even more precise and efficient devices that maximize therapeutic outcomes.

Advancements in LED and laser technologies will take red light therapy to new heights, making it more personalized and tailored to individual needs. This will further enhance its efficacy and accessibility, bringing the benefits to even more people.

Moreover, as our understanding of the intricate interactions between light and the body deepens, we eagerly anticipate the discovery of new therapeutic applications for red light therapy. From expanding its potential in fields such as neurology and psychiatry to further unlocking its benefits in wound healing and chronic disease management, the possibilities are truly boundless.

Recent Research Supporting Red Light Therapy



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Elise Burchett

Elise Burchett

Job Title: Writer
Bio: Elise Burchett is a writer at Kineon.

About Kineon

Bringing the latest advancements in enhanced red light therapy for home use. Our mission is to get you back on your feet and moving pain-free.